"소우주 (Mikrokosmos)” is the 3rd song on BTS' 2019 album Map of the Soul: Persona. The melodic song marvels at the endlessness every human individual possesses.
Mikrokosmos derives from a Greek word mikros kosmos meaning "little world". Known as microcosm, a philosophical term designating men as being a “little world” in which the macrocosm, or universe, is reflected.

Important lyrics that contribute to the concept of Mikrokosmos as an agency are as follows:

“One history in one person, one star in one person, shining with 7 billion lights, 7 billion worlds.”
The lyrics above implies that the role of one person in a world of 7 billion people can seem so insignificant, yet everyone is important and special in their own ways.

“Starlight that shines brighter in the darkest night. The deeper the night, the brighter the star.”
This line refers to a popular saying, “The stars can't shine without darkness.” Without hardships one could not possibly know or cherish the good times in life. It teaches us that failure is not a step backward.

“Shine, dream, smile. Let us light up the night, we shine in our own ways. We shine just the way we are.”
This line encourages its listeners to keep shining, dreaming, and smiling. To use our lights to light up the dark night sky, not worrying about what people may speak and think of us.

Therefore, as an agency the purpose of Mikrokosmos is to create a welcoming environment in which people from different social backgrounds and different personalities, together, overcome differences they may face in their daily lives, during their stay at Mikrokosmos. A community, a home, a small universe where different types of lights exist to shine together.

The Brightest Galaxy
This is a program that is set up by Mikrokosmos to reward and motivate Celestials into doing good deeds. Every two weeks, Constellations will hand out forms where Celestials can pick whomever they think is worthy to be rewarded the title as that week's Brightest Galaxy.

Mandatory rules that Celestials are required to follow and not optional or subject to discretion.
Aturan wajib yang harus diikuti oleh para Celestial dan tidak bersifat opsional.

1. One account per person. We require everyone to be committed regardless of whether they choose to use their main accounts or not.
1. Satu akun per orang. Kami mengharuskan semua orang untuk berkomitmen tanpa menghiraukan apakah mereka memilih untuk menggunakan akun utama mereka atau tidak.

2. Have a thread or website that contains detailed information about your original character and face claim. Background story is mandatory.
2.Memiliki utas atau situs yang memuat informasi rinci mengenai karakter dan klaim wajah. Karakter Anda wajib memiliki latar belakang.

3. Use your face claim wisely and know whom you are roleplaying.
3. Gunakan klaim wajah Anda secara bijak dan ketahuilah siapa yang Anda perankan.

4. Please make sure that your face claim is age-appropriate for your original character. Maximum of 3 years added or deducted from your face claim's original birth year.
4. Pastikan bahwa umur klaim wajah Anda pantas untuk karakter Anda. Maksimal 3 tahun ditambahkan atau dikurangkan dari tahun lahir asli klaim wajah Anda.

5. Respect everyone, both in-character and out-of-character. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Welcome, greet, and make everyone feel included.
5. Hormati semua orang, baik dalam karakter maupun di luar karakter. Perlakukan semua orang sebagaimana Anda ingin diperlakukan. Sambut, sapa, dan buat semua orang merasa disertakan.

6. Make an effort to interact with people. This is a closed roleplay agency, try to interact more with people within the agency. Should you have any difficulty adapting, please contact admins through the base or personal DM.
6. Berusahalah untuk melakukan interaksi. Ini adalah closed roleplay agency, cobalah untuk lebih banyak berinteraksi dengan orang-orang di dalam agensi. Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan untuk beradaptasi, silakan hubungi admin melalui DM base atau akun pribadi.

7.Keep your following count under 100; bases, Constellations, and Celestials included. Also, keep your following list updated by frequently checking the arrival and departure thread.
7. Jaga following Anda di bawah angka 100; sudah termasuk base, Constellations, dan Celestials. Pastikan following Anda sering diperbarui dan cek utas arrival dan departure.

8. Keep in-character and out-of-character contents separated. Utilise the bracket characters for out-of-character posts or use your pen name to avoid confusion.
8. Pisahkan konten dalam karakter dan di luar karakter. Gunakan karakter braket untuk posting di luar karakter atau gunakan nama pena Anda untuk menghindari kebingungan atau kesalahpahaman.

9. Reply to your mentions regularly, do not excessively spam the timeline with replies after you pile up your mention tab.
9. Balas mention Anda secara teratur guna menghindari spam pada linimasa.

10. We encourage our members to love whomever they want, regardless of their gender identity. All sexualities are welcomed.
10. Kami mendukung anggota kami untuk mencintai siapa pun yang mereka inginkan, terlepas dari identitas gender mereka. Semua seksualitas diterima.

Prohibitions forbidding Celestials from doing things listed in this category.
Larangan-larangan yang tidak boleh dilakukan oleh Celestials.

1. Selective replies. This includes face-chasing or any form of biased replies.
1. Bersifat selektif. Hal ini termasuk ke dalam face-chasing atau interaksi yang bersifat biased.

2. Publicise drama (of any kind) on the timeline. This includes taking part in wars and pranks (without Constellations’ consent). If problems occur, please seek Constellations for assistance.
2. Menggiring opini atau terlibat dalam permasalahan di linimasa (pertengkaran, prank tanpa persetujuan Constellations, dan lain sebagainya). Jika terjadi suatu kesalahpahaman atau timbul suatu masalah, harap memberitahu Constellations.

3. Tweet contents that could be seen as offensive or make anyone feel uncomfortable. Should you have any discontent over anything, contact the particular person or group involved privately or you can seek Constellations for assistance.
3. Membuat tweet yang bersifat menyinggung dan membuat tidak nyaman. Jika dirasa memiliki ketidaksukaan atau ketidaknyamanan akan suatu hal, hubungi individu atau kelompok yang bersangkutan secara personal atau Constellations untuk bantuan.

4. Tweet or retweet graphic NSFW contents. The timeline should be kept PG-15. Profanity must be kept to a minimum.
4. Membuat tweet atau me-retweet konten yang bersifat NFSW. Linimasa diharapkan untuk tetap PG-15. Candaan yang mengandung kata tidak senonoh diperizinkan namun tetap harus dibatasi. Dilarang mengunggah hal yang bersifat NSFW dalam bentuk foto/gif/vid.

5. Joke about triggering topics and mature themes as follows: domestic or sexual abuse, suicide, self-harm, and mental illnesses. However, if your character may have a past involving those matters, please do proper research and handle the topic with respect. Tweets regarding this matter should attach a trigger warning and be kept to a minimum.
5. Membuat candaan mengenai hal-hal atau topik yang bersifat memicu dan dewasa seperti: KDRT, pelecehan seksual, bunuh diri, self-harm, dan penyakit-penyakit mental. Namun, jika karakter Anda memiliki masa lalu dengan hal-hal yang sudah disebutkan, dimohon untuk menghargai segala hal yang bersangkutan dan diharuskan untuk terlebih dahulu melakukan riset (background research). Segala tweet yang mengandung hal-hal bersangkutan harus diikuti dengan peringatan (trigger warning) dan harus dibatasi.

6. Quote outsiders. Please limit your interaction with outsiders to retweets and mentions only.
6. Men-quote orang di luar agensi. Interaksi dengan orang di luar agensi hanya diperbolehkan sebatas me-retweet dan mention saja.

7.Reunion of your previous agency.
7. Reuni dengan agensi terdahulu. (Terlalu banyak membahas atau flashback mengenai agensi yang dulu pernah disinggahi)

8. Retweet and spam the timeline with unnecessary tweets such as faceclaim updates and fan accounts while in-character. Fanboy/girling tweets should be done in brackets. Retweets will only be allowed between 12AM – 6AM WIB (GMT +7).
8. Me-retweet dan menimbun linimasa dengan tweet-tweet yang bersifat spam, seperti updates tentang faceclaim dan fan accounts saat sedang dalam karakter (IC). Tweets yang bersifat fanboy/girl-ing harus di dalam kurung. Retweet hanya boleh dilakukan antar jam 00.00 - 06.00 (GMT+7)

9. Mention members’ faceclaim names while in-character. It makes people using the faceclaim mentioned uncomfortable.
9. Menyebutkan nama faceclaim milik Celestials saat berada di dalam karakter (IC). Hal tersebut akan membuat seseorang yang menggunakan klaim wajah yang bersangkutan merasa tidak nyaman.

10. Prohibit others from using a certain figure as their muse or face claim. However, you may do so only if their chosen face claim does not want to be roleplayed or due to any reasonable cause.
10. Melarang orang lain untuk menggunakan suatu tokoh sebagai faceclaim-nya. Namun, hal tersebut diperbolehkan jika klaim wajah yang dipilih tidak ingin dijadikan sebagai roleplay atau dikarenakan alasan yang layak (valid).


1. 12 hours of inactivity (without notice) after slot confirmation will lead to a kick out.
1. Tidak aktif dalam waktu 12 jam (tanpa pemberitahuan) setelah konfirmasi slot akan dikeluarkan dari agensi (UV).

2. 48 hours of inactivity (without notice) will lead to a kick out.

2. Tidak aktif dalam waktu 48 jam (tanpa pemberitahuan) akan dikeluarkan dari agensi (UV).

3. Very little to no interaction with people within the agency may endanger your slot. Timeline activity (interactions) is compulsory. Changing your display picture or tweeting a couple tweets a day does not count as activity.
3. Sedikit hingga tanpa adanya interaksi dengan anggota agensi dapat membahayakan slot. Keaktifan (interaksi) di linimasa adalah suatu keharusan. Mengganti foto profil (display picture) atau hanya membuat sedikit tweet tidak terhitung sebagai keaktifan.

4. There is a STRIKE SYSTEM for AFK behavior during events without prior notice. 3 strikes = immediate un-verification.
4. Terdapat STRIKE SYSTEM untuk tindakan AFK selama event berlangsung tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. 3 kali AFK = UV.

5. Notify us before deactivating your account. Wait for approval from base, then you may proceed with your deactivation process.
5. Memberitahu Constellations sebelum menonaktifkan akun (deactivate). Tunggu persetujuan dari base sebelum dapat melanjutkan proses deaktivasi.


1.Notify the base or any admins, do not forget to inform us about the time needed.
1.Melaporkan kepada base atau satu dari para Constellations dan memberitahu lamanya waktu hiatus yang akan diambil.

2. Hiatus lasts for 4 days. (Members on hiatus are allowed to not show any activity during their hiatus)
2.Hiatus berlangsung selama 4 hari. (Anggota yang sedang dalam masa hiatus diperbolehkan untuk tidak memperlihatkan keaktifan)

3. Semi-hiatus lasts for a week. (Members on semi-hiatus are required to show little activities such as tweeting one tweet or two. Complete inactivity during the period taken will make your semi-hiatus invalid. Thus, you will be deemed inactive)

3.Semi-hiatus berlangsung selama 1 minggu. (Anggota yang sedang dalam masa semi-hiatus diharuskan untuk tetap memperlihatkan keaktifan berupa membuat satu atau dua tweet/hari dan jika tidak, akan terhitung sebagai ketidakaktifan yang bersifat menyeluruh)

4. When your hiatus ends, please inform the base. Failing to do so or showing activity a day after your hiatus ends will lead to a kick out.
4. Ketika masa hiatus berakhir, segera laporkan kehadiranmu kembali kepada base. Tidak adanya laporan atau aktifitas sehari setelah masa hiatus berakhir = UV.


1. We accept faceclaim of all origin.
1. Kami menerima klaim wajah dari berbagai asal (all-star).

2. There is no limit on how many times you can change your faceclaim. However, there is a resting period of one month in between. (Change in re-registration process is not counted)
2. Tidak ada batasan untuk mengganti klaim wajah. Namun, terdapat jeda selama 1 bulan sebelum dapat mengganti klaim wajah kembali. (Penggantian dalam proses re-registration tidak terhitung)

3. Temporary swap lasts for 24 hours. There is a resting period of four days in between. You can’t TS if the faceclaim you desire is taken.
3. Temporary swap berlangsung selama 24 jam. Terdapat jeda selama 4 hari sebelum dapat melakukan TS kembali. TS tidak bisa dilakukan jika faceclaim yang diinginkan sudah digunakan oleh anggota lain.

4. Put ‘TS’ on your display name during temporary swap.
4. Cantumkan ‘TS’ pada nama (display name) selama masa temporary swap.

Read our rules and regulations, by proceeding, you have agreed to comply with our rules at all times during your stay.Check whether your desired faceclaim is available.Fill our form, please answer each question/statement as honestly as possible.Wait for our announcement.
If accepted, please do the following things:

Change your username to something related to your original character's name. Example: Alindya Jaine Adhitama uses @jaineadhitama as her username. No numbers, underscores, and uppercases (unless it's for letter replacement).
Follow the slot confirmation steps provided by the base account.